Category Archives: Uncategorized

July 2024 Nature Conservation Task

The next nature conservation task is on Sunday 7th July 2024, at the Waterworks Nature Reserve, off Lea Bridge Road, and will involve working in the newly planted raised beds in the wildlife garden area, doing some prep work for next winter’s dead hedging and a little cutting back to make the non public paths usable.

Recent bird sightings at the nature reserve have included the scare night heron. The beds’ water levels are being kept low while the 7 cygnets mature, to prevent their nest flooding.

All are welcome to join us and no experience is required. If You are curious about what happens on a LBCV task, one of our regular volunteers did the following live video on the October 2020 task

Please wear appropriate clothing which is long sleeves and trousers with stout footwear for the task and weather. We will be working in an area with bramble and nettles, so closed shoes/boots and long trousers and sleeves would be best.

LBCV can supply wellington boots to work in, please arrive in plenty of time at the Waterworks, to select your pair, a second pair of socks will add to your comfort.

LBCV will provide tools, training, gloves, coffee, tea and biscuits. Please bring some lunch and water.

Please arrive from 9:30am onwards at the Waterworks Centre Lammas Road, off Lea Bridge Road, Leyton, London E10 7QT, for a 10am departure to collect tools and gloves. The meeting place is by the bike racks in front of the Waterworks Centre, across from the former Greyhound Public House on Lea Bridge Road. If you use what three words ///guises.manage.entry is the location.

Please lock bicycles to the stands in front of the Waterworks Centre. There is ample free car parking. Dogs are not allowed in the Nature Reserve so please do not cross the bridge with dogs or ride bicycles in the nature reserve. Dogs are still welcome on some tasks, but not this one, as we are in an enclosed nature reserve.

We should be finished by 4pm.

Volunteering and doing a conservation task with LBCV in North East London, is great way to meet new people, learn new skills, use old skills, be more active, get closer to nature, make a difference and have some fun with like-minded people in the Lea Valley Regional Park.

June 2024 Nature Conservation Task

Walthamstow Marshes Nature Reserve Sign SSSI
Walthamstow Marshes Nature Reserve Sign SSSI

On Sunday 2nd June 2024 Lea Bridge Conservation Volunteers will be removing invasive species from Walthamstow Marshes.

Subscribe to our task reminder email for an updated task description, after the site visit. Check spam/junk folder for the confirmation email.

October 2021 After lunch Rainbow
Post lunch rainbow October 2021 Task

Volunteering and doing a conservation task with LBCV in North East London, is great way to meet new people, learn new skills, use old skills, be more active, get closer to nature, make a difference and have some fun with like-minded people in the Lea Valley Regional Park.

May 2024 Nature Conservation Task

On Sunday 5th May 2024, Lea Bridge Conservation Volunteers will be doing a nature conservation task in the Waterworks Nature Reserve. The task will involve removing light vegetation from a shingle bank to create an invertebrate and reptile basking area. Why are we creating a basking area ? Well many species of bee, solitary wasp, spider and beetle are dependent on bare ground to hunt and nest because these areas provide the necessary warm micro-climate and easy tunnelling. However, bare ground does not remain bare for a long time as vegetation colonises and soon the bare ground is lost. The shingle bank created from the spoils of the recent ponds created an open bare ground. on the filter bed wall.  

Subscribe to LBCV’s task reminder email

No experience is needed. No forms to complete. Just turn up ! LBCV will provide the training and tools along with the tea, coffee and biscuits. Bring your own packed lunch and water. Volunteers should wear sturdy footwear and appropriate clothing for the task and weather.
Everybody is welcome to volunteer with LBCV. No  experience is required. Please wear sturdy footwear and appropriate clothing for the work and weather. We will be working amongst brambles, thistles and nettles and sharp tools. 
We are out of lockdown but some restrictions still need to apply for LBCV to safely be able to run volunteer tasks in the Lea Valley Park, with the restrictions below.
If you are ill, feel ill or have been in contact with somebody who is self-isolating please do not volunteer
Cleanse your hands before eating or drinking.
LBCV can supply  wellington boots to work in, please arrive in plenty of time to select your pair.
LBCV will provide tools, training, gloves, coffee, tea and biscuits. Please bring some lunch and water.
Please arrive from 9:30am onwards at the Waterworks Centre Lammas Road, off Lea Bridge Road, Leyton, London E10 7QT, for a 10am departure to collect tools and gloves. The meeting place is by the bike racks in front of the Waterworks Centre, across from the former Greyhound Public House on Lea Bridge Road. If you use what three words ///guises.manage.entry is the location.
Please lock bicycles to the stands in front of the Waterworks Centre. There is ample free car parking. Dogs are not allowed in the Nature Reserve so please do not cross the bridge with dogs or ride bicycles in the nature reserve. Dogs are welcome on some tasks, but not this one.
We should be finished by 4pm and as it is a Bank Holiday week we will be heading to Blondies Tap Room for post task refreshments. 
Volunteering and doing a conservation task with LBCV in North East London, is great way to meet new people, learn new skills, use old skills, be more active, get closer to nature, make a difference and have some fun with like-minded people in the Lea Valley Regional Park.

May 2023 Conservation Task

Sunday 7th May nature conservationtask will be invasive species management around the Waterworks Nature Reserve

The task will help the rangers control the meadows and invasive species. The task will also exposed the dormant soil seed bank. We will have a chance to have a coronation picnic and be able to explore the nature reserve

All are welcome to join us and no experience is required. Please meet us at the Waterworks so we can provide enough tools. If You are curious about what happens on a LBCV task, one of our regular volunteers did the following live video on the October 2020 task

Please wear appropriate clothing which is long sleeves and trousers NO SHORTS as we are possibly handling bramble  and wear stout footwear for the task and weather. We will be working in an area with long grass and possibly nettles and brambles, so closed shoes/boots and long trousers and sleeves would be best.

Join Us

Everybody is welcome to volunteer with LBCV. No  experience is required. Please wear sturdy footwear and appropriate clothing for the work and weather. We will possibly be working with brambles and nettles and sharp tools.

We are out of lockdown but some restrictions still need to apply for LBCV to safely be able to run volunteer tasks in the Lea Valley Park, with the restrictions below.

  • If you are ill, feel ill or have been in contact with somebody who is self-isolating please do not volunteer.
  • Please take a test if you are not sure.
  • Please wash your hands before the task in warm water or hand sanitiser.
  • Use gloves when handling all tools.
  • Wash your hands before eating or drinking in warm water or hand sanitiser

LBCV can supply  wellington boots to work in, please arrive in plenty of time at the Waterworks, to select your pair.

LBCV will provide tools, training, gloves, coffee, tea and biscuits. Please bring some lunch and water.

Please arrive from 9:30am onwards at the Waterworks Centre Lammas Road, off Lea Bridge Road, Leyton, London E10 7QT, for a 10am departure to collect tools and gloves. The meeting place is by the bike racks in front of the Waterworks Centre, across from the former Greyhound Public House on Lea Bridge Road. If you use what three words ///guises.manage.entry is the location.

Please lock bicycles to the stands in front of the Waterworks Centre. There is ample free car parking. Dogs are not allowed in the Nature Reserve so please do not cross the bridge with dogs or ride bicycles in the nature reserve. Dogs are still welcome on some tasks, but not this one, as we are in an closed nature reserve.

We should be finished by 4.30pm

Volunteering and doing a conservation task with LBCV in North East London, is great way to meet new people, learn new skills, use old skills, be more active, get closer to nature, make a difference and have some fun with like-minded people in the Lea Valley Regional Park.

April 2023 Conservation Task

The Sunday 2nd April 2023 nature conservation task was due to be in the scrape on Walthamstow Marshes but the area is too wet, so we will do invasive species management on Leyton Marsh near Ox-Bow Island.

The task will help the rangers control invasive species, without resorting to using chemical weedkillers. The task will allow the exposed seed bank to not have to compete with the more prolific species we are removing. It is likely to be a shorter task than usual, so we will have a chance to have a picnic and be able to explore the nature reserve.

It that time of the year so cakes are always welcome !

All are welcome to join us and no experience is required. Please meet us at the Waterworks so we can provide enough tools. If You are curious about what happens on a LBCV task, one of our regular volunteers did the following live video on the October 2020 task

Please wear appropriate clothing which is long sleeves and trousers and wear stout footwear, PLEASE NO SHORTS as we are possibly handling very hazardous plants. We will be working in an area with nettles and brambles, so closed shoes/boots and long trousers and sleeves would be safest.

Working on the Marshes Rainbow
Join Us
Everybody is welcome to volunteer with LBCV. No experience is required. Please wear sturdy waterproof footwear and appropriate clothing for the work and weather. We will possibly be working in an area with brambles and nettles and as well as suing sharp heavy tools.

We are out of lockdown but some restrictions still need to apply for LBCV to safely be able to run volunteer tasks in the Lea Valley Park, with the restrictions below.

If you are ill, feel ill or have been in contact with somebody who is self-isolating please do not volunteer.
Please take a test if you are not sure.
Please wash your hands before the task in warm water or hand sanitiser.
Wash your hands before eating or drinking in warm water or hand sanitiser
LBCV can supply wellington boots to work in, please arrive in plenty of time at the Waterworks, to select your pair. An extra pair of socks will provide protect from blisters.

LBCV will provide tools, training, gloves, coffee, tea and biscuits. Please bring some lunch and water.

Please arrive from 9:30am onwards at the Waterworks Centre Lammas Road, off Lea Bridge Road, Leyton, London E10 7QT, for a 10am departure to collect tools and gloves. The meeting place is by the bike racks in front of the Waterworks Centre, across from the former Greyhound Public House on Lea Bridge Road. If you use what three words ///guises.manage.entry is the location.

Please lock bicycles to the stands in front of the Waterworks Centre. There is ample free car parking. Dogs are not allowed in the Nature Reserve so please do not cross the bridge with dogs or ride bicycles in the nature reserve. Dogs are still welcome on some tasks, inclusing this one, as we are in an open nature reserve.

We should be finished by 3pm

Volunteering and doing a conservation task with LBCV in North East London, is great way to meet new people, learn new skills, use old skills, be more active, get closer to nature, make a difference and have some fun with like-minded people in the Lea Valley Regional Park.

February 2021 TASK cancelled

Sunday 7 February 2021

Cancelled due to National Lockdown restrictions.

We will be back.

Conservation task working on the bed walls at the Waterworks Nature Reserve.

More details in the task reminder email after the site visit.

This is the eightth conservation task since the COVID-19 Pandemic lockdown. LVRPA had stopped all volunteer activity for the volunteers’ and staff’s safety and wellbeing. Now some restrictions have lifted LBCV are able to run volunteer tasks in the Lea Valley Park, but with restrictions.

  • We cannot generally advertise the tasks apart from emailing those signed up to this task reminder email 
  • If you are ill, feel ill or have been in contact with somebody who is self-isolating please do not volunteer
  • Do not use public transport to travel to the task. 
  • Please wash your hands before the task in warm water or hand sanitiser.
  • Use gloves when handling all tools, touching gates or other items in the park
  • Do not share tools.
  • Work parties of no more than 6 people – LBCV can have multiple work parties on a task
  • Please maintain a social distance of at least 1m if 2m is not possible
  • Wash your hands before eating or drinking in warm water or hand sanitiser

 Now London is in Tier 4 

LBCV will be following Government guidelines for volunteering which permit volunteering in a Tier 4 location

In tier 4 areas, people must volunteer from home unless it is not reasonably possible for them to do so.

People can volunteer outside their home, including within a workplace, if:

  • they are unable to volunteer from home
  • they don’t need to self-isolate
  • they follow social distancing guidance, or COVID-secure guidance if volunteering in a workplace
  • their workplace has not been ordered to close, if the role takes place within a workplace
  • In tier 4 areas, clinically extremely vulnerable people can volunteer from home. They are strongly advised not to volunteer outside their home.
  • It should always be a volunteer’s personal choice whether they wish to volunteer, including outside their home. A volunteer should not be compelled to volunteer outside their home by their organisation or group.

Volunteers who meet in groups or with others from outside their household or support bubble should be especially careful to follow social distancing guidance, or COVID-secure guidelines if volunteering in a workplace, and observe the following key behaviours:

  • HANDS â€“ Wash your hands regularly and for 20 seconds.
  • FACE â€“ Wear a face covering in indoor settings where social distancing may be difficult, and where you will come into contact with people you do not normally meet.
  • SPACE â€“ Stay 2 metres apart from people you do not live with where possible, or 1 metre with extra precautions in place (such as wearing face coverings or increasing ventilation indoors).

Travelling to volunteer or while volunteering

Where they are unable to volunteer from home, people can travel to volunteer or while volunteering in England, including between local restriction tiers. Across all tiers, they should:

  • where possible, stay local, and only travel into or out of a tier 3 or 4 area if absolutely necessary
  • walk or cycle if they can – where that is not possible, use public transport or drive
  • plan ahead and avoid the busiest routes, as well as busy times

Construction and other outdoor work – Working safely during coronavirus (COVID-19) – Guidance – GOV.UK (

More task details in the task reminder email, after the site visit.


Decemeber 2020 Task

All are welcome to join us and no experience is required. If You are curious about what happens on a LBCV task, one of our regular volunteers did the following live video on October’s task


Please wear appropriate clothing for the weather and stout footwear,  for the task . We will be working in an area with bramble and nettles, so closed shoes/boots and long trousers and sleeves would be best. 

Join Us

Please turn up at the Waterworks so we can provide enough tools and gloves. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO MEET US on site where ever it may be this month ! 

Everybody is welcome to volunteer with LBCV. No experience is required. LBCV will provide tools, training, gloves, hand sanitiser, tea, coffee and biscuits. 

Please bring some lunch. Please wear sturdy footwear(see above) and appropriate clothing for the work and weather. It is due to be cold on Sunday morning the task will go ahead. 

Please arrive from 9:30am onwards at the Waterworks Centre Lammas Road, off Lea Bridge Road, Leyton, London E10 7QT, for a 10am visit to our tool storage area. The meeting place is the bike racks in front of former golf centre across from the former Greyhound Public House on Lea Bridge Road. We will leave at 10:05am for a walk to the task site with tools. 

Please note LBCV’s mobile number is not operational at the moment while we wait for a new SIM to arrive, please email if you have any questions. 

Volunteer with LVRPA

If any LBCV volunteer would like to volunteer directly with Lee Valley Regional Park Authority


Doing a conservation task with LBCV is great way to meet new people, learn new skills, use old skills, be more active, get closer to nature, make a difference and have some fun with likeminded people.

To unsubscribe click here, to edit your subscription click here.

To cancel click here, to edit your subscription click here.

January 2021 Task

UPDATE: Post task was planting a hedge to protect the tree planting 183 whips were planted and mulched by 9 volunteers while maintaining social distance !

the 2 volunteers in the middle are from the same household !

Sunday 3 January 2021. Nature conservation task at the Waterworks Nature Reserve. All welcome, no experience needed.

Please dress warm for the weather in layers

LBCV will be following Government guidelines for volunteering which permit volunteering in a Tier 4 location

In tier 4 areas, people must volunteer from home unless it is not reasonably possible for them to do so.

People can volunteer outside their home, including within a workplace, if:

  • they are unable to volunteer from home
  • they don’t need to self-isolate
  • they follow social distancing guidance, or COVID-secure guidance if volunteering in a workplace
  • their workplace has not been ordered to close, if the role takes place within a workplace
  • In tier 4 areas, clinically extremely vulnerable people can volunteer from home. They are strongly advised not to volunteer outside their home.
  • It should always be a volunteer’s personal choice whether they wish to volunteer, including outside their home. A volunteer should not be compelled to volunteer outside their home by their organisation or group.

Volunteers who meet in groups or with others from outside their household or support bubble should be especially careful to follow social distancing guidance, or COVID-secure guidelines if volunteering in a workplace, and observe the following key behaviours:

  • HANDS – Wash your hands regularly and for 20 seconds.
  • FACE – Wear a face covering in indoor settings where social distancing may be difficult, and where you will come into contact with people you do not normally meet.
  • SPACE – Stay 2 metres apart from people you do not live with where possible, or 1 metre with extra precautions in place (such as wearing face coverings or increasing ventilation indoors).

Travelling to volunteer or while volunteering

Where they are unable to volunteer from home, people can travel to volunteer or while volunteering in England, including between local restriction tiers. Across all tiers, they should:

  • where possible, stay local, and only travel into or out of a tier 3 or 4 area if absolutely necessary
  • walk or cycle if they can – where that is not possible, use public transport or drive
  • plan ahead and avoid the busiest routes, as well as busy times

Construction and other outdoor work – Working safely during coronavirus (COVID-19) – Guidance – GOV.UK (

More task details in the task reminder email, after the site visit.

December 2020 Task

Somewhere on Walthamstow Marshes Lea Bridge Conservation Volunteers will be doing a nature conservation task, all welcome see task reminder email for more details, subribe below

Any questions please email as our mobile number is out of action waiting for a new SIM card.

Decemeber’s 2020 task involved planting 153 tree whips from a possible 300+ tree whips, to create a new hedge.   Locally felled trees were already chipped by the rangers and used as a mulch to protect the saplings from competition from weeds and retain moisture in the soil and protect the young root systems from frosts. See photo montage